Throughout the year, we have several special events that we hold as a church. Some are special ministries for church members and attendees and some are outreach opportunities for the community. The dates and times of these events vary slightly each year, so if you are interested in any of them, check in with our Facebook page to keep up to date with all of our current information and announcements!
Bi-Monthly Sundays from 5:30-7:00pm
We love Sunday mornings, but recognize it is hard to grow in relationships with one another in a traditional service setting. That's why we started CONNECT nights! Twice a month (usually the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month) we meet in the church foyer for a meal and more intimate Bible study.
Monthly on 3rd Thursday
The women of the church gather for a time of food and fellowship once a month. All women are invited to attend!
Every year we have a week of Vacation Bible School for students in Pre-school to 6th Grade! Each night there is an awesome time of music, teaching, crafts, games, snacks, and more! See our Facebook page for details and registration!
Easter Sunday
For the last several years CCT has held an outdoor sunrise service on Easter Sunday morning. Join us as we spend time remembering the incredible love and Sacrifice Christ has shown us through His death and His power over death through his resurrection!
Easter Saturday
Fun and fellowship hunting eggs and eating food!
“Journey back through time to…The LIVE Nativity!” Every year at the beginning of December, we hold our annual Live Nativity. The Live Nativity is presented as CCT’s FREE Christmas gift to the community. The Live Nativity has become a holiday tradition for many in Coshocton and surrounding communities.
Luminaries light the way as visitors drive through the LIVE scenes depicting the birth of Christ, and other well-known events of His life. This ten-minute journey begins at the marketplace in Bethlehem where the dreaded tax collector awaits, the Inn which is full for the evening leads to the stable where Joseph, Mary, and the baby Jesus find rest. A host of heavenly angels alert the shepherds guarding their sheep with good news of Jesus’ birth, while the Wise Men worship the newborn Christ child. The journey is completed with scenes of the most told stories about Jesus…the carpenter’s shop, Jesus walking on water, a soldier praying at the cross, Jesus at the tomb, and more!
Christmas Eve
Christmas is always a busy time for everybody, but each year on Christmas Eve we like to take some time out of our crazy schedules to remember the reason why we celebrate. Come join us as we worship God together for sending His Son for us!